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As the years go by, the signs of aging can become increasingly evident.  Because the industry is largely unregulated, many cosmetic companies can make extravagant claims as to stopping the signs of aging without significant proof to back up their assertions.  Furthermore, wrinkles, fine lines, and dark spots can be hastened by cosmetic products chalked full of chemicals.  In choosing the best anti aging products, take into account the inherent safety of organic cosmetics and the effectiveness of organic anti aging moisturizers, sunscreens, and other treatments.

Organic cosmetics have been shown to be just as effective at reducing wrinkles, age spots, and other signs of growing old.  However, for the purposes of a direct comparison, one need not look any further than the active ingredients in organic anti aging creams and traditional products.  Take for example Eminence Blueberry Soy Night Recovery Cream, with the principle ingredients of blueberry and soy.  Both are full of active, naturally occurring anti oxidants which the body is accustomed to ingesting and processing.  Many manufactured ingredients, on the other hand, are not thoroughly tested and have no long-term backing that suggests they are more effective at deterring wrinkles.

One should likewise show scrutiny when purchasing general wrinkle creams.  In trying to manufacture quick acting wrinkle creams, many producers utilize highly toxic ingredients including, in the case of some products, petroleum which cannot be properly subsumed by the body.  When looking for a safe wrinkle cream alternative, find products that are derived from natural fruits and vegetables such as carrots and coconuts.  Aside from the obvious benefit of using an anti aging product that can be properly absorbed, these base ingredients provide valuable nutrients and naturally occurring protection.  

One of the primary reasons our bodies become marked by age is because of the sun.  Hence, sunscreen should be part of anyone’s daily routine particularly if you spend any reasonable time outside.  In traditional sunscreens, active ingredients are held in place by skin by oils, polymers or waxes, which can clog the pores.  Organic sunscreens, conversely, are safe and actually moisturize while protecting your skin from UV rays.  Additionally, they are fragrance free, won’t rub off, are waterproof, and provide a wide spectrum of protection.

It is almost everyone’s dream to stop the signs of aging, but before you make a rash decision and spend hundreds of dollars on a variety of wrinkle creams and anti aging moisturizers, consider the long term health benefits of using traditional cosmetics.  Before making any purchase, make sure the ingredients in any product are thoroughly presented and avoid catchy, yet misleading terminology.  The signs of aging can be diminished, and it can be safely done with the use of organic anti aging moisturizers and creams.